PMDK C++ bindings
This is the C++ bindings documentation for PMDK's libpmemobj.
▼ libpmemobj++ | |
▼ container | |
▼ detail | |
concurrent_skip_list_impl.hpp | |
contiguous_iterator.hpp | Iterators for contiguous persistent containers |
segment_vector_policies.hpp | A persistent version of segment vector implementation |
array.hpp | Array container with std::array compatible interface |
basic_string.hpp | String container with std::basic_string compatible interface |
concurrent_hash_map.hpp | A persistent version of concurrent hash map implementation Ref: |
segment_vector.hpp | A persistent version of segment vector implementation |
string.hpp | String typedefs for common character types |
vector.hpp | Vector container with std::vector compatible interface |
▼ detail | |
array_traits.hpp | Common array traits |
atomic_backoff.hpp | Atomic backoff, for time delay |
check_persistent_ptr_array.hpp | Compile time type check for make_persistent |
common.hpp | Commonly used functionality |
conversions.hpp | Commonly used conversions |
ctl.hpp | C++ ctl api |
ebr.hpp | C++ EBR API |
enumerable_thread_specific.hpp | A persistent version of thread-local storage |
integer_sequence.hpp | Create c++14 style index sequence |
iterator_traits.hpp | Common iterator traits |
life.hpp | Functions for destroying arrays |
make_atomic_impl.hpp | Implementation details of atomic allocation and construction |
pair.hpp | |
persistent_pool_ptr.hpp | |
pool_data.hpp | A volatile data stored along with pmemobjpool |
ringbuf.hpp | |
self_relative_ptr_base_impl.hpp | Base class for self_relative_ptr |
specialization.hpp | Helper template for persistent ptr specialization |
tagged_ptr.hpp | |
template_helpers.hpp | Commonly used SFINAE helpers |
variadic.hpp | Helper functionality for handling variadic templates |
volatile_state.hpp | A volatile state for persistent objects |
▼ experimental | |
atomic_self_relative_ptr.hpp | |
concurrent_map.hpp | |
inline_string.hpp | Inline string implementation |
mpsc_queue.hpp | Implementation of persistent multi producer single consumer queue |
radix_tree.hpp | Implementation of persistent radix tree |
self_relative_ptr.hpp | Persistent self-relative smart pointer |
self_relative_ptr_base.hpp | Base class for self_relative_ptr |
v.hpp | Volatile residing on pmem property template |
allocation_flag.hpp | Allocation_flag - defines flags which can be passed to make_persistent |
allocator.hpp | Persistent memory aware allocator |
condition_variable.hpp | Pmem-resident condition variable |
defrag.hpp | Defragmentation class |
make_persistent.hpp | Persistent_ptr transactional allocation functions for objects |
make_persistent_array.hpp | Persistent_ptr allocation functions for arrays |
make_persistent_array_atomic.hpp | Atomic persistent_ptr allocation functions for arrays |
make_persistent_atomic.hpp | Persistent_ptr atomic allocation functions for objects |
mutex.hpp | Pmem-resident mutex |
p.hpp | Resides on pmem property template |
persistent_ptr.hpp | Persistent smart pointer |
persistent_ptr_base.hpp | Base class for persistent_ptr |
pexceptions.hpp | Custom exceptions |
pext.hpp | Convenience extensions for the resides on pmem property template |
pool.hpp | C++ pmemobj pool |
shared_mutex.hpp | Pmem-resident shared mutex |
slice.hpp | Interface to access sequence of objects |
string_view.hpp | Our partial std::string_view implementation |
timed_mutex.hpp | Pmem-resident timed_mutex |
transaction.hpp | C++ pmemobj transactions |
utils.hpp | Libpmemobj C++ utils |