In this blog post, I’ll describe why we believe dockers are easy to use, time-saving, and valuable for day-to-day programming and debugging. If you have never heard of dockers (or containers in general), please read, for example, this overview. We use dockers in almost all of the repositories …
Read MoreExtending memory capacity with PMEM Databases such as Redis (an in-memory key-value open-source database) consume a lot of memory. Since fast access is essential for them, they use DRAM to store their data. DRAM is quite expensive and has limited capacity, so a solution we propose in this blog post …
Read MoreA software person perspective on new upcoming interconnect technologies. Existing Server Landscape Servers are expensive. And difficult to maintain properly. That’s why most people turn to the public cloud for their hosting and computing needs. Dynamic virtual server instances have been key to …
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